Creation Timeline Solve for X Musical
Winter 2023
Writing continues
Joan Riddle Steinmann is featured on Podcast Artiface (link coming soon!)
Fall 2022 -
Writing continues
​​Summer 2022
Writing continues
Spring 2022
Team Solve for X performs a preview show with The Harrington Center's New Works Festival
Joan/Joseph/Katrina participate in MTW group
Fall/Winter 2021-22​
A rough draft of ACT I and an outline of Act II are completed.
Katrina Dobieski Thompson joins Solve for X as a collaborative composer.
Joan/Joseph/Katrina participate in MTW group
Summer 2021
Joan and Joseph join an online Musical Theater Writing Workshop facilitated by Kit Goldstein Grant
Spring 2021
Joseph Bills is added as a Solve for X Writer
Winter 2020-21
- Plot details for Act 1 and 2 are fleshed out.
The song: "Lottie's Duet is recorded and released
The song: "The Book Shanty" is recorded​
Research and Composition
Fall 2020
Letters to My Younger Self Podcast interviews Joan Steinmann about Solve for X
Continued Research and Composition
Summer 2020
Continued Research and Composition
Winter 2020
Song "A Scantron A Day Keeps All Learning at Bay" is recorded and receives praise from Malcolm Gladwell
Choir Baton Podcast interviews Joan Steinmann about Solve for X
Continued Research and Composition
Summer 2019
The Solve for X concept is born
Research and Composition